{# # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique # # http://glpi-project.org # # @copyright 2015-2023 Teclib' and contributors. # @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. # @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # LICENSE # # This file is part of GLPI. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #} {# SETTING CONFIG FONTS #} {% set arrayMenuFonts = [{ '1': 'fa-microchip', '2': 'fa-headset', '3': 'fa-chart-line', '4': 'fa-screwdriver-wrench', '5': 'fa-hammer', '6': 'fa-clipboard-check', },{ '1': 'fa-laptop', '2': 'fa-tv', '3': 'fa-terminal', '4': 'fa-network-wired', '5': 'fa-eye', '6': 'fa-print', '7': 'fa-fill-drip', '8': 'fa-droplet', '9': 'fa-mobile', '10': 'fa-server', '11': 'fa-person-shelter', '12': 'fa-car-battery', '13': 'fa-ethernet', '14': 'fa-user-secret', '15': 'fa-diagram-project', '16': 'fa-sim-card', '17': 'fa-globe', },{ '1': 'fa-ticket-simple', '2': 'fa-file-invoice', '3': 'fa-bug', '4': 'fa-folder-tree', '5': 'fa-calendar-days', '6': 'fa-ranking-star', '7': 'fa-arrows-spin', '8': 'fa-arrows-to-circle', },{ '1': 'fa-id-card', '2': 'fa-money-bill-trend-up', '3': 'fa-truck-droplet', '4': 'fa-user', '5': 'fa-file-signature', '6': 'fa-file-lines', '7': 'fa-cable-car', '8': 'fa-file-invoice', '9': 'fa-hard-drive', '10': 'fa-people-group', '11': 'fa-creative-commons-pd-alt', '12': 'fa-walkie-talkie', '13': 'fa-database', },{ '1': 'fa-hands-holding-circle', '2': 'fa-list-check', '3': 'fa-rss', '4': 'fa-book-bookmark', '5': 'fa-book-open-reader', '6': 'fa-flag', '7': 'fa-magnifying-glass-plus', },{ '1': 'fa-user-tie', '2': 'fa-users-line', '3': 'fa-universal-access', '4': 'fa-ruler-combined', '5': 'fa-address-book', '6': 'fa-id-card-clip', '7': 'fa-check-double', '8': 'fa-book', '9': 'fa-warehouse', }, { '1': 'fa-square-caret-down', '2': 'fa-screwdriver', '3': 'fa-star', '4': 'fa-layer-group', '5': 'fa-bell-concierge', '6': 'fa-tents', '7': 'fa-wand-sparkles', '8': 'fa-autoprefixer', '9': 'fa-satellite-dish', '10': 'fa-right-left', '11': 'fa-list-ol', } ] %} {% set counter1 = 0 %} {% set counter2 = 0 %} {% set is_vertical = user_pref('page_layout') == 'vertical' %} {% set is_horizontal = user_pref('page_layout') == 'horizontal' %} {% set is_menu_folded = user_pref('fold_menu') == '1' %} {% set rand = random() %} {% if is_vertical %} {% endif %}